Welcome to Pervy Gnome world!
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What is ThePervyGnome?
ThePervyGnome is a persona, a pseudonym, a way for me to express myself, and expose myself, in an anonymous manner. I try to protect my real-life identity by not showing my face, never using real name and being careful on personal objects displayed in my videos. I will share many aspects of myself, but request you honor my desire for anonymity.
By keeping my real-life identity concealed, I am able to reveal many aspects of myself that generally we don't get to. Me naked for one. If I were to just drop my drawers out on the street, I'd get arrested. Not only do I get to show myself naked but also acting out sexually.
I can talk and share various things about sex and sexuality that I otherwise cannot. Think essays and non-nude videos. So, it's an empty channel now but soon I plan on adding content to ThePervyGnome on youtube.
age: 57 years
height: 5'8" (172.72 cm)
weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
endowment: 4 inches (10.16 cm)

Who is the pervy gnome?
Hi! Thank you for your interest in me. So where do I start?
Well, I'm a Gemini. Good as place as any because I so am.. By which I mean I have many traits typical of that birth sign. For example, I do not believe in astrology whatsoever (it is amusing though) yet I led with that. The reason being is Gemini a.k.a. "The Twins" is all about duality. Ying Yang. Light Dark. Whatever. The leading trait I chose to describe myself is duality. Because how else can I describe ThePervyGnome? In reality, I'm a married guy, happily and faithfully so. I married my high school sweetheart and we've been together now 40 years. I had a few girlfriends and a one-night stand before I met my other half but basically, I'm a one-woman man and have been my whole life.
I need to lead with that because I cannot stress enough reality vs fantasy. Reality is happily married monogamous guy with a low probability of additional partners. Fantasy is just about anything goes! Just saying because I've already had a couple people make extra efforts to reach me in real life. Soon after I opened the Pornhub I got messages from some guy that seemed convinced we were going to hook up. I'd leave my wife and we'd live like happily ever after or something. All I know of this guy is some anonymous email name like bigcock007 or whatever. Uhm, yeah no sorry probably not gonna dump a 40-year happy marriage for a stranger who wants to drive halfway across the country to give me a blowjob. I tried to let down gently but for months it seemed every time I posted a video it would almost instantly get 1 thumb down. Lol, sorry. Anyway, if you're into more of a deeply intimate and even voyeuristic look into my life, or just skinny guys with small dicks.. as long as we stay in the fantasy side of life, anything goes.
I am very, very liberal in nature in that I believe everyone should have a right to do as they please as long as you're not hurting anyone. And I don't judge. What's on the outside (looks, weight, proportions etc.), whatever kinks people are into, it's all good with me generally. (With MAJOR exception for anything anywhere near non-consensual) I'm also not at all into anything involving pain. Physical or even mental like humiliation stuff. But to each their own as long as it's consensual. At the same time, aside from this whole gnome thing, my wife and I live very conservatively. We've never had a third, or swapping or anything like that, although we both leave the possibility open. Neither of us is into anything kinky either, pretty plain vanilla for the most part. Now if this is starting to sound a little boring, I should say this - you go with what works. We may not do any bdsm or much role-play for example, but if we are both getting off than who cares? We are also open to new experiences though, so over the years the "yeah tried that" list keeps growing. After 40 years and a lot of wear and tear, I get hard as a rock by the mere hint of nookie from the Mrs. and have NEVER failed to perform even at my age. OK, never is a strong word and I'll do a piece on "your dick on drugs" or something, but 99.999% of the time that little guy is ready to go!
I should point out that I am by far the hornier of us. It's mellowed somewhat now I'm in my fifties, but I'm pretty much stuck in the sex-obsessed teenager phase. A therapist might say arrested development even but don't care. I like it. There are a lot of things one could be in life: depressed, anxious, angry or sad for example. If I can keep "horny" in my top three of descriptor words, hey I'm doing pretty good imo. Anyway, so I'm like always horny and the Mrs. not as much, although I will say she's been very accommodating over the years. I also don't cheat (which is a loaded word and deserves its own blog post - for now I'll define as any physical touch of a sexual nature), leading to excess sexual energy which gets expressed through masturbation of course.
Autoeroticism as it's better called, is an artform in and of itself and will most definitely be getting elaboration in future posts and videos. For now, let's just say if you can let go of any shame or guilt and are adventurous and creative, I don't how to say... a dick is a really, really fun thing to play with, along with the body it's attached to. Like anything else you have an interest in and do frequently, you can get pretty good with time and practice, and I've had a lot of both. For me sex is either the wife or solo, (not ruling out an occasional mutual masturbation of course) bringing me back to the whole duality thing.
Nudity, sex, sexual fantasies, masturbation, sexual behavior, anatomy, genitalia, orgasms. All things I'm basically obsessed with, yet not exactly things one gets to talk about or express very often, especially for an introvert like me that lives in a very conservative community!
Now we mix in an interest in photography and filmmaking in general. My interest in photography predates the digital age. Along with lots of flowers and some landscapes I'm pretty sure there's a couple 35mm slides of my balls from back when you had to actually look at the guy behind the counter to pick up your film. Not to say I was in love with my own per se but asking strangers if you can take pictures of their genitals probably wouldn't go over well. Once things went digital, genitals and nudes got to get added to list of things I could shoot. Now, I would not consider myself an exhibitionist or narcissist. Any nudes were from an interest in naked/sex/genitals as a subject matter. I also said I like to be open and adventurous and part of that is to explore, including exhibitionism. Which mostly meant a few trips to the nude beach and occasionally jerking off outdoors, but always in very secluded spots.
Another quick aside I should mention is self-image issues and my being somewhat under-endowed. Early on I was very self-conscious of my body and had insecurities relating to my penis size. I was the proverbial 120 lb skinny kid and by high school it's kinda hard not to notice yours doesn't seem to be enlarging quite the same as your classmates. Who knows. Maybe I shouldn't have smoked cigarettes for a year when I was 7. Maybe I have some genetic thing I don't know about but whatever the case, it got hard, hairy and started blowing loads, just never really grew. I will also be elaborating on penis size and self-image issues, but for now I'll say it did have an impact when I was a teen. Made me somewhat shy around the opposite sex, more so than I think had I been comfortable with myself. I believe it also impacted my sexuality in general in that one of my main, if not #1 turn on, is getting my partner off. I became quite good at cunnilingus. Anyway, the best thing I ever did was cast off my insecurity and just aggressively pursue the Mrs. when we met. Finally, instead of keeping him hidden, I could stand proud and firm in front of this beautiful naked young lady who was ready and willing! And you what? She didn't laugh. She came hard and then so did I. Classic boy become man thing. Liked it so much we've been doing it ever since, but I digress. There are underlying self-image issues and insecurities relating to being thin and also penis size embedded in my psychological make up. I've addressed these issues as I've seen fit over the years and can assure you, I am very comfortable with the body and all its aspects at this point. I will have to relate the story of my first trip to a nude beach one day, dropping my drawers on a CROWDED beach, in full on shrunken, non-sexual situation mode.
Between the indulgence of any exhibitionistic tendencies and part of my own personal self-acceptance journey, A long time ago I made a short video, just a closeup about thighs to chest of me jerking off. I created a youporn account under an anonymous email posted it under the title "small dick gets hard and cums" It did ok as I recall, maybe 100k views for the year or so I paid attention. Few years later I checked up on it and it had racked up over 2 million views. Oh, my fucking god, are you kidding me? Was my reaction. Now let's keep in mind this was in the earlier days of the internet and there was no age verification, and that video has long since been purged as an unverified account. I suspect people may have assumed that video was something it wasn't because of my small stature which is funny because I think I was in my thirties when I made it. But the success of that video planted the seed of an idea and eventually the verified account ThePervyGnome was created on PornHub. Bringing us back to the dual nature of myself that brought us here, a happily married mostly conservative guy that has a secret porn site! I'm just letting a little bit of my pervier side out to play. Hope you're enjoying the ride.
PS ThePervyGnome started on Jan 29, 2021 when I reposted the small dick gets hard and cums video, the only difference being posted from a verified over 18 account. As of last check it has 25k views.

small dick gets hard and cums
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